Posts in Category : Uncategorized

SDCC 2024

I know, the box off to the side says I no longer do conventions, but I’m making an exception for this — I’ve been invited to take part in a San Diego Comic Con panel, 85 Years of Batman – A Look Back With Professionals, Thursday afternoon July 25th at 4:15 in Room 6A. I’m very excited to participate in this event with Michael Uslan, Mark Waid, Athena Finger and other amazing Bat-folks to be announced. See you there!


We’re working on an update here at the site, which is why a lot of the book and comics info is out of date. Please bear with us, Mat our genius web creator is giving us a great new look. In the meantime, here’s a sketch by Amy Mebberson of Slappy Squirrel being mad.

Comics and Burgers on Memory Lane

One of the biggest thrills of my early professional comic writing career was when I bought a comic I had written off the same rack where I bought comics as a kid. It was at Bill’s Drugs in Orinda, California. The same stand where I had bought Detective Comics #475, Spider-Man #121, Hulk #180, Uncle Scrooge #141 and hundreds of other stories I that had loved growing up. I had written a number of comics by that time, but I had always bought them someplace else. It felt very “Circle of Life” to buy my weekly comics at my childhood local place, walk down the block for a burger and shake at Nation’s and read the new books as I had done in years before…only now one of them was mine. I think every creative person has something similar that still charges them up. For some it’s hearing the orchestra play their new composition for the first time. For others, it’s when a new cartoon character speaks and it’s their voice giving them life. For comic geeks like me, it’s something like this.
I guess that’s a roundabout way of me saying that issue, The Batman and Robin Adventures #1, and many, many others are being collected into an Omnibus Volume to be released by DC later this summer. I’m in there, along with the amazing Ty Templeton who wrote and illustrated many magnificent tales of the Animated Dark Knight, and my much-missed friend and frequent DCAU compatriot, Hilary J. Bader. You can read more here:

Merry Mink

It looks like Minerva was able to shake off her holiday blahs after all, thanks to the Ramsey Lewis Trio’s “The Sound of Christmas” and the cartooning magic of Dave Alvarez. It’s nice to see her happy again. And Slappy? Well…as always, Slappy does Slappy.

Mele Kalikimaka

This Christmas Jingle’s trading the North Pole for the North Shore — of Kauai, that is. We’ll catch up with her again next fall. Aloha!