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My Journal
Wow. I have GOT to update this site more than two or three times a year. Even though we’re still over half a month until New Years, I hereby make it a resolution for 2022 that I will post updates and content more frequently here. I’ll start today with these previews for the latest and last comics co-scripted by me and Alan Burnett for 2021 hitting the stores (and online) today.
It’s the release of HARLEY QUINN: BLACK AND WHITE AND RED, a huge anthology of Harley stories created by some of the greatest talents in comics. This book not only collects the stories from the amazing online series, but also features two brand NEW stories appearing for the first time anywhere — a Hanukkah tale by VEEP’S David Mandel and comic artist deity Adam Hughes, and a New Year’s caper by myself and genius BATMAN THE ANIMATED SERIES director, Kevin Altieri. Kev and I had much fun sending Harley on this new holiday, a glimpse of which you see below. The book drops 6/1/21 on Amazon and in comic shops and bookstores everywhere.
BATMAN: THE ADVENTURES CONTINUE returns this Spring for another “season” of action and suspense with the Dark Knight and his allies and enemies. You can read it online at Comixology (among others) first, and then pick up the print issue in stores a month later. See you back in Gotham City, starting 5/6/21!